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2001 - 2021

"Daunte Wright was the kind of person friends and family said they could always count on. He was funny and had big dreams for his future. He loved his family and his baby boy."


Daunte was a basketball fanatic, and looked forward to playing ball with his own son when he was older. Like any young man, he also enjoyed spending time with his friends, talking and playing video games. 


After graduating high school, Daunte had plans to return to college to get a degree, and then to some day own his own business.  


Friends and family described Daunte as loyal and caring, the kind of friend who would swing by to check on someone he knew was having a hard time. 


Daunte was killed by police in April 2021. He had one child, Daunte Jr. 


Source:  Buzzfeed News // Wikimedia  //  AP News

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